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Shine On

I was inspired to write this blog a while back when I noticed that a very beautiful and successful friend of mine was attacked recently by someone who clearly could not cope with her empowered-ness, and reacted in a negative way. When we are fully in our own power, shining for all the world to see, not everyone is going to appreciate it! For some people who see us, empowered and happy, there will be a problem. We are bound to mirror their own disempowered-ness, and sometimes they will lash out and attack. This is their stuff, not ours, however much they may try to project it onto us! Their reaction says everything about them and nothing about us.

As fully empowered beings, we are showing how it can be when a person is centred in their own power and confidence, being completely themselves in their own wonderful uniqueness, shining brightly & fearlessly. When we reach this stage it is invariably the result of having done much inner work and taken responsibility for everything in our lives. We cannot shrink the inner work – there is no substitute for it. You cannot get empowerment from someone else - we have to find it within ourselves – each one of us. We need to recognise and own our own shadow stuff – unresolved emotional issues and destructive patterns – so that it can be brought into the light of day, owned and cleared. That’s the responsibility of every one of us! You can’t foist your stuff onto someone else.. you have to deal with it yourself. We do this by looking at and becoming more aware of our behaviour and motives, and recognising our tendencies to shy away from our issues. Only then can we be truly whole, centred, authentic human beings. It really is essential for us to address our stuff at this time, for the sake of the planet, and to raise the energy vibration of the whole, so that we may make a better life for ourselves individually, and thus for everyone collectively. And our stuff is really coming up big time at the moment – this year, 2016, has been a major clearing year for many.

Some time ago I realised that although I basically teach people how to become Gong Practitioners, in essence my work is about empowering people – and I do it through the work with the gongs. As we work with these powerful healing instruments, they help us to heal from our stuff - to identify and deal with our issues and clear our unresolved emotional and karmic patterns. In my experience, working with sound, and the gongs in particular, is one of the best ways to kick-start our healing process and clear all our old energetic debris from the past. Then we can move forward clearer and lighter, to fresh new opportunities and adventures on our journey through life.

So coming back to where we started – with my friend fully in her power, shining brightly. Shine on my dears – put your light out there for all to see and enjoy. Your empowered-ness benefits us all.

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