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We’ve all met people who seem to just flow naturally with life. People who seem to be totally in tune with the Universal energy flow, and whose lives seem to be blessed in some way. When you meet someone who is in tune with this creative flow - the energy of Source itself - there is an almost magnetic attraction; they are a joy to be around, because they are completely surrendered to whatever life brings them in the present moment, and just go with that, without resisting in any way. They just flow with the Universal energy of what Is.

We all have moments and times like that. And because we’re talking about the energy of life itself, it is present in all the myriad aspects of life. A few days ago I watched a video on the Internet of a 147 break made this last week by Ronnie O’Sullivan, one of the greatest snooker players of all time. He was in top form, and watching him achieve that maximum 147 break was truly a joy and a privilege to behold. He was totally flowing with the Universal energy, and it was literally poetry in motion to watch. When people in sports or competitive activities are flowing in this way they are unbeatable. I have seen Paul Gascoigne do it on the football field, and Roger Federer and other great players on the tennis court. This is where genius comes from – genius is the Divine made visible in 3D. You can hear it in great pieces of music by composers such as Mozart or J.S. Bach, or see it in great paintings, or wonderful violins. These are just a few examples - I’m sure you can think of your own. Those sportsmen, composers, artists and luthiers are completely at one with All That Is in those moments of their creative art, and through them we become aware of the Divine in action here in our earth world. Those moments are unforgettable.

How to flow with life! The knack here, it seems, is to have put the ego aside and trust life to guide us, to send us the right thing in every moment, whatever it may be. In effect : Thy will, not mine. When we are surrendered to life like this and we are no longer in control of everything, something else far greater than us is able to come in and direct operations, as it were. We let go and hand our life over to That. Then instead of things falling apart, as we would expect, something magical happens – we become in tune with that flow of Universal energy and allow life to live us, rather than us trying to be in control of life.

When we are One with the Universe/Source/Creative energy (call it what you will), we naturally develop patience. Everything happens in its own time – Divine timing in other words. This is the right time for all concerned, and it’s not necessarily our desired time! Things flow in their own time, quite naturally, and beautiful synchronicities happen. When we are no longer trying to control or putting our desires uppermost, the Universe organises everything in exactly the right way. We find that we can relax and let Source take over. What a relief!

My own experience is that the energy flow of Life always brings us exactly what we need – people, situations – whenever we need them. I never force anything – I just let it happen in its own time. And if it doesn’t, that means it’s not the right time, or just not right, period. This is not a disempowered place to be – it doesn’t mean being a doormat, far from it. If life throws us something undesirable, we can decide to take remedial action, or not. And within our state of allowing the flow of life, we can put more energy into certain things to enable them to flow more easily. “Where attention goes, energy flows”. But we don’t actually need to try to make anything happen. Life happens on its own without our help or control. It is more a case of allowing the process of life to unfold through us, naturally and in its own way, moment by moment. Tuning in with the flow of Life. That, to me, is true empowerment.

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