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The Healing Power of Love

Love is a great healing power. It is said that love can achieve anything, and this is in fact my direct experience. Love can counteract anger, negativity and all lower energy emotions and is effective at neutralising them if we stay centred in our own loving power without reacting. Just being with someone in a nurturing way and giving them your loving time and attention can lift their energy vibration and bring them back into a much better space. This also works with animals, and plants, as every living thing thrives when given love. Love is our very essence – it is what we are - and it is as essential for us to thrive, as food for the body, and air to breathe. The following tale is proof of this.

A personal experience of the healing power of love was brought home to me very strongly in recent weeks. A while back, my eldest cat Cricket – who will be 12 later this year – began to decline in health. This happened very gradually, imperceptibly, over a longish period of time – maybe six to eight weeks looking back, and it only became apparent that she was ailing when she gradually stopped taking part in all our usual daily rituals, like jumping onto the dressing table to be brushed, coming for treats, jumping into the bath to drink water from the tap, climbing onto the desk when I am at the computer, demanding to sit on my knee, etc. These little daily habits are what we enjoy sharing together – just small intimate happenings that bond us in nice cosy times of togetherness, love and nurturing. When they began to stop happening and Crickitty was spending most of her time just lying in one spot looking dejected (she does sleep a lot, but this was different), it was a clear sign that there was something not right, and in fact in this case, starting to be seriously wrong.

We visited the vet and managed to get enough blood in one sitting to do some basic blood tests for things like kidney function, diabetes, thyroid etc – the usual things that cats tend to suffer from in later life. All test results came back perfectly normal, and were followed by another test for the pancreas where she was obviously feeling tender when examined – that also proved normal. By this time my lovely girl was starting to slip steadily downhill and I was beginning to get quite worried. Conventional vet treatment didn’t seem to have the answer. As an alternative therapist/healer I am used to following my intuition and it was clear that I needed to go that way and do whatever felt appropriate. Luckily I had a fairly quiet week and it felt right to devote most of my time and attention to Crickitty and stop the very obvious decline – she was by this time on a fast slippery slope downhill, and I and the vet still had no idea what might be wrong. She had virtually stopped eating and drinking, lost weight, was lying down almost all the time, and taking no interest in anything at all. I could see the life force gradually draining out of her. Not good. When you see an animal, or a person, for that matter, slipping downhill in this way, it focuses the mind and makes you realise how much you love them and are not ready to let them go.

Cricket lives in the bedroom and on the upper floor mostly, and the cats’ food, water and litter tray is downstairs, so I brought her up her own food, water and litter tray so that she wouldn’t have to trek downstairs and had it all to hand, as she was obviously quite weak and fragile. I cuddled her and got her to drink a little water and tempted her with some especially nutritious treats which she really likes. She responded weakly and I felt there was still hope.

I brought another very elderly cat back from the brink some years ago using Reiki, and my instinct was to do the same now. I put my hands on her and allowed her little body to draw the healing Reiki energy through me to wherever it was most needed. My hands got quite hot as the Source energy was drawn through, and I knew that her life force was being replenished as I watched. She had about 20 minutes of Reiki like this, then I gently got her up and put some fresh food out for her, which she ate slowly and carefully, and then I put her in the bath to drink water. Then back to bed, with lots of love and cuddles, and brushing which she adores, and a little more Reiki.

Reiki is said to be Love in action, and I have seen remarkable results from the use of this simple but powerful hands-on healing. I continued to give Cricket Reiki and monitored her carefully for the next two or three days, during which she gradually started to gain strength and improve. Within forty-eight hours of the first Reiki treatment and my loving attention, she was eating, drinking, and starting to look a little perkier and more like her normal self. During the previous week she’d gradually lost the strength in her back legs and even scrambling onto the bed had become a strain. But soon she started to regain her strength and energy and the jumping improved, and after a few days she was jumping onto the dressing table again for brushing. Then I knew she would be OK. Phew!

All I did was devote my time and energy to her and give her lots of love and deep nurturing, along with the Reiki, and she responded. I just loved her in a very concentrated and focused way. Even Chloe rallied around, and when Cricket ventured downstairs and got into Chloe’s basket by the window in the conservatory for a snooze, Chloe just left her there and slept elsewhere. Now I am happy to say she seems to have made a full recovery and is back to her usual gentle, sweet, cheeky self. And we still don’t know what was wrong with her! But the healing power of love sorted it out.

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