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It is said : we don’t choose our family, but we can choose our friends. Family members can be our greatest teachers, and provide us with some of life’s toughest challenges. It can also be the same with lovers. I believe we are put into family situations when we incarnate, that are ideal in order for us to learn certain lessons and go through particular karmic situations that we need to experience in this lifetime in order to grow and evolve. I don’t have much blood-related family – there are cousins, but we are not close in any way, far from it. In the family in which I found myself in this lifetime, I am the black sheep – the outcast, as it were, as I am different. I have gone my own way and forged my own path, making my decisions based on intuition and what felt right at the time, rather than towing the line of the family conditioning. This was apparently not appreciated or approved of, and so the family connections, apart from one cousin who does value me, are fragile, to say the least!

If, like me, you don’t have much in the way of close family, then the friends that you make throughout your life become like family and you may find yourself much closer to them than you are to any of your blood family group. I am blessed with a small circle of close friends, with who I am on the same wavelength, so to speak. These are friends who have taken the time and trouble to get to know and understand me, who I know well and appreciate in the same way, and whose perceptions of life are similar to my own. We may see each other intermittently, but we easily pick up where we left off last time we met. We are in tune and understand where the other is coming from without much explanation being needed. Our conversations flow and we connect – there is an unspoken understanding, which is very comforting. It’s good to spend time together with people who feel like family in this way – it feeds our spirit and provides a welcome togetherness. I am also blessed to have a close friend in the USA who is like a brother. I never had a blood brother, and my stepbrother died years ago, but my American friend is the closest thing to a brother that I have ever known. We even look alike! So it’s a great blessing when the Universe brings “family” into our life in this way.

As we mature and grow throughout life, we are automatically drawn to and connect with people who are on the same level of energy vibration as we are. This often means that the friends we had in early life may not be with us later on, as people grow at different rates. We can often leave people behind, if their path is different to ours, and their energy vibration no longer matches ours. Then new friends who are on our current wavelength come along and join our “family” circle. Sometimes a person we feel close to has to go away from us for a while in order to progress on their life journey, and then come back into our life further down the line when they, and we, have learned those necessary lessons and grown into a new energy space through that spiritual work. Then we can reconnect with them again on a new level. There are some rare friends who stay with us throughout life, growing and maturing at the same rate, and they are truly like “family” as they have always been there. I have one friend who comes into this category – we have known each other almost since birth – over sixty years! And there are yet others who come into our lives, usually later on, with whom we connect strongly straight away and who feel like family immediately; often we may feel we already know them, even though we met in 3D only a short time ago. I feel these people are members of the same soul family – our soul group – with whom we have incarnated many times to do similar work together. These are always wonderful close loving connections, and it feels so good to be back together again.

So there are many versions of “family” – not just the blood ties with those whom we are connected to by birth. The Universe brings all these people into our lives at the right time, to connect with and play their part as companions, friends, teachers and family on our journey through life.

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